Shree Govardhan Vidya Vihar (SGVV) is situated on the bank of river Moran at Khadagada, Dist. Dungarpur, Rajasthan. Before the establishment of SGVV, there was no institution or school in the near by area to provide even primary education. People had to travel long distances for studies which was inconvenient as well as unaffordable. As a result, this region remained educationally and economically backward. Pt. Nandlal ji Dixit, the founder of this institution has been very saintly and philanthropist from his childhood. He was pained to see the miseries of the people around. He himself has gone through lot of agony in acquiring his basic education. He strongly felt and dreamt to have a school at Khadagada. But there were no resources. He could only pray to God to give him strength to realize his dream to serve the people.
The seed of Shree Govardhan Vidya Vihar was sowed way back in 1933 with a modest effort of starting a SANSKRIT PATHSHALA in a rented room with only 10 students and an annual budget of meager Rs. 103. Today that small seed has fructified into a large banyan tree in the form of SHRI GOVARDHAN VIDYA VIHAR (SGVV), encompassing various institutions and activities and with an annual budget in excess of rupees one crore.
SHREE GOVARDHAN VIDYA VIHAR is a Charitable trust managed by Board of Trustees. Many renowned personalities are on the Board of trustee or are Patrons . Apart from educational activities, it is running many social, charitable and spiritual activities. It provides free education including lodging and boarding to very poor and needy students of Sanskrit Vidyalay. SGVV is recognized as an institution of NATIONAL EMINENCE. . SGVV is a unique institution in the sense that it endeavors to provide the best education at the most affordable cost, maintaining the flavor of SANSKRIT and SANSKRITI. Apart from the curriculum, the students are groomed for discipline and values in life, so that the education imparted is truly in line with the SGVV’s motto ‘SA VIDYA YA VIMUKTAYE.’